Not sure what anyone means by facism anymore. But I'd certainly agree that the mainstream media have nothing but disgraced themselves lately.

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Of necessity they've shown their true colors after sacrificing journalism at the altar of profit, even though money has always influenced politics. At least we had a voice before then.

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Now we only have a very few true journalists like yourself to speak for us - Sy Hersh comes to mind too but he's blackballed. The cheese stands alone as the saying goes. 😟 That's why we're all here hanging on your every word. For myself I'm very grateful, thank you Phil for not selling out!!

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I daresay the RNC is real fascism. It's really undeniable. The question is are people ok with it. Looks like they are, as long as their investments are protected.

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I'm not holdiing my breath. Their usual approach is just to ignore anything that makes them uncomfortable.

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The Big O. Have you noticed its online OregonLive web site now restricts viewing letters to the editor to those who pay to view their offerings? Their editorials are there for all to see, but in order to read what your fellow citizens have to say you must now contribute to Ms. Bottomly's bottom line.

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During the run up to the election of Dear Leader, I emailed Therese several times, asking for accountability for Portland Police and their gestapo tactics, notably missing from oregonlive coverage. She did not respond. So I finally sent an email cussing her out, mocking some of her best writers who continued to carry water for the Portland Police violent attacks on peaceful gatherings in East Portland. She wrote back immediately, and invited me to have a "civil conversation" (which I politely declined). You might want to try some foul language to sufficiently raise her hackles. 🤷

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Excellent piece, Phil! I hope she gets back to you.

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Fascism. Journalism is all but dead. I don't see a single major "newspaper" that has escaped it. Like all things American, apparently even American Fascism is superior to regular fascism. As long as it's American, it's superior. Superior corruption, superior racism, superior racists, superior rich people. Something to aspire to!

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If anyone is interested in old American movies as a way of understanding American history, the movie Ship of Fools explains how easily fascism assimilates.

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