Certainly his protege, Ellen Rosenblum, the AG herself, has done her best to keep the lid on tight – and probably to protect not just Goldschmidt but the democratic machine that still controls the state. At a certain point I suppose it's just an institutional reflex.

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Theresa, thanks very much. Truly something that anyone who wants to understand the Francke case should read. As you put it so well, "a great example of bad journalism at its finest."

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That marriage was very short-lived. As far as I know Karen Steele is still practicing law in Salem but I haven't interviewed her because she was his lawyer on a minor gun charge but not on the Francke murder case.

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Maybe when Goldschmidt is dead, the truth will be allowed to peek out a little.

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Here is a link to the original article by the Oregonian, "FACTS DISPUTE FRANKE CONSPIRACY." I went to the immense trouble of meticulously transcribing the original article, because it's very hard to find otherwise. It's a great example of bad journalism at its finest. Enjoy. It is worth a laugh.


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Back when this was current news, I would read Phil's column in the Oregonian.....Always appreciated his take on the story. Even back then the story the "officials" told seemed lame. Makes you wonder how deep the cover up was/is. Glad to find this.

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Thank you for continuing your work on the subject. I haven’t lived in Oregon for many years, though I heard he married his defense attorney, Karen Steele. Have you interviewed her about her perspective on the case?

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When is your next book out

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No plans for another book at this point but who knows where this Substack thing will take me. If you haven't already, you might also want to check out the podcast we did on the Franke case called Murder in Oregon.

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Great article Phil! It’s amazing that there are people who still think Gable did this. How dumb can some people be? Pretty dumb, I guess.

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